Dear Sir / Madam

We are Indonesian-based trading company which handling various products for export purpose. We are service our Buyers Japan,South Korea and Europe. services and working on commission basis.

If yours not have representatives or agents in Indonesia maybe We can help search and finding company which your need buy like wood Products and Furniture or all products wood working products like Flooring,etc.

We are private inspection company specialized in inspecting goods before shipment in Indonesia.

When a goods already, our inspector will go to the mills and draws 10% - 15% as samples. a report will be made after detail inspection on size, thickness, color, moisture, quantity, package and loading the container. Also picture of the products will be taken and send to you too by e-mail first.

We will do if you need condition before products start process or after contract for check raw material and possibility study as report condition..

Please kindly contact for further detail. If possible by E-mail or fax first.

Thank You.

Best Regards,

JS Trading

Plaza Graha Family – Surabaya.

Tel. + 62 31 738 7708.

Fax. +62 31 732 6333.

E-mail : and

Mobile Phone : +62 818 390 755 .

Contact Person : Mr.Ardian.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

ULIN WOOD DECKING and BEAM (Eusideroxylon zwageri )

Ironwood, Belian, Borneo Ironwood, bois de fer (Fr). Brunei: belian. Malaysia: belian (Sarawak, Sabah), tambulian (Sabah), im muk (Cantonese, Sabah), Ulin. Indonesia: belian (general), onglen, tulian, tebelian (Kalimantan). Philippines: tambulian, sakian, biliran (Sulu).
Sumatra, Bangka, Belitung, Borneo, Sulu Archipelago, Kalimantan, Sabah, Sarawak, Philippines (Palawan
E. zwageri is widespread in Borneo and Sumatra as a scattered component of the Dipterocarp forest and in some localities forms a single dominant variant. It is generally found in lowland areas of primary forest 5-400 m, in flat or sloping terrain, and also occurs in old secondary.

Population status and trends
Belian is one of the most renowned timbers of Borneo. It has been favoured both for local use and the export trade. Over-exploitation together with forest clearance have led to the decline of this slow-growing timber species. The increased availability of forest roads opened by concessionaires is leading to greater problems of uncontrollable exploitation in Kalimantan

Belian is used locally in house construction and for water butts. Its commercial uses are for heavy construction, marine work, boat building, printing blocks, industrial flooring, roofing and furniture. Belian has been esteemed by the Chinese as a coffin wood.
Production and trade
Primarily used locally with limited exports recorded by Sabah. In southern Kalimantan this timber is felled by the owners of concession rights and also by local people coordinated by Ulin traders
Presence in protected areas
Indonesia Kutai National Park, East Kalimantan - has pure stands of Eusideroxylon zwageri, Tanjung Putting National Park, Kalimantan, Gunung Penrisen/Gunung Nyiut Game Reserve, Kalimantan, Lempakai Botanical Park, East Kalimantan
Sabah Tabin Wildlife Reserve

1 comment:

deva said...

How awesome! I never thought of doing something like this, though I have HATED the mess that always exists in Exhaust systems Great post!

Decking Timber