Dear Sir / Madam

We are Indonesian-based trading company which handling various products for export purpose. We are service our Buyers Japan,South Korea and Europe. services and working on commission basis.

If yours not have representatives or agents in Indonesia maybe We can help search and finding company which your need buy like wood Products and Furniture or all products wood working products like Flooring,etc.

We are private inspection company specialized in inspecting goods before shipment in Indonesia.

When a goods already, our inspector will go to the mills and draws 10% - 15% as samples. a report will be made after detail inspection on size, thickness, color, moisture, quantity, package and loading the container. Also picture of the products will be taken and send to you too by e-mail first.

We will do if you need condition before products start process or after contract for check raw material and possibility study as report condition..

Please kindly contact for further detail. If possible by E-mail or fax first.

Thank You.

Best Regards,

JS Trading

Plaza Graha Family – Surabaya.

Tel. + 62 31 738 7708.

Fax. +62 31 732 6333.

E-mail : and

Mobile Phone : +62 818 390 755 .

Contact Person : Mr.Ardian.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan INDONESIA Tentang Ekspor Kayu

Sejak tanggal 2 Juni 2008 akhirnya Pemerintah melalui Menteri Perdagangan Menerbitkan keputusan yang paling ditunggu-tunggu oleh kalangan Pengusaha Industri Kehutanan khususnya JS Trading karena disitu dalam pasal 8 mengenai export Kayu Ulin.

Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan Tersebut tertuang dalam :

Salah satu isi nya :
MENIMBANG : Upaya melancarkan Kegiatan ekspor Produk Industri Kehutanan.
Permendag yg sudah ada No. 09/M-DAG/PER/2/2007 belum dapat memenuhi

MEMUTUSKAN : Mecabut = Permendag No. 09/M-DAG/PER/2/2007.
Menetapkan: Permendag Baru No. 20/M-DAG/PER/5/2008.
Yang isinya ada : 21 Pasal dan berikut lampiran sebanyak 6 lampiran.

Yang paling menggembirakan buat Saya adalah Pasal 8 yang isinya ada 4 item.
yaitu mengenai Export Kayu ULIN. Karena Buyer Saya masih interest dengan Kayu Ulin Indonesia itupun yang legal lho.....yang artinya sesuai peraturan Pemerintah Indonesia yang berlaku untuk Export.

Buat teman-teman pemerhati khususnya exportir Kayu Olahan atau anggota EPTIK jangan lupa buka halam lampiran no.1 s/d 4 ya.... cuma yang gak enaknya koq cuma Kayu Merbau aja sich yang luas penampang nya bisa sampai 10.000 MM2.

untuk detailnya coba hunting aja ke :


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